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Professor Andreen Says Climate Change Has Increased the Need for Reforming the Approach to Nonpoint Source Pollution and Environmental Flows

May 5, 2016

William Andreen

Professor William Andreen has published an article that explores the threats posed by climate change to our nation’s water resources.  The article, “No Virtue Like Necessity: Dealing with Nonpoint Source Pollution and Environmental Flows in the Face of Climate Change, 34 Virginia Environmental Law Journal 255-296 (2016), is available at

The Clean Water Act has been a success in many ways, Andreen wrote. The discharge of pollutants from both industrial and municipal point sources has plummeted and the loss of wetlands has been cut decisively.  As a result, water quality has improved broadly across the entire nation.

Despite that progress, many of our waters remain water quality impaired.  The primary reason lies in the inability of the Clean Water Act to effectively tackle two significant sources of water pollution: nonpoint source pollution (diffuse runoff from, for example, fields and logging operations) and hydrologic modifications (such as water withdrawals and dams). In contrast to the Act’s approach to point source discharges and the loss of wetlands, Congress left control of both nonpoint source pollution and hydrological modifications primarily in state hands. While some states have responded well to the challenge, most have not been equal to the challenge. New approaches are needed to deal more effectively with both problems, the magnitude of which is staggering: over 40,000 nonpoint source impaired waters and thousands of flow-impaired water bodies.

Climate change, moreover, will exacerbate both problems. Heavier rainfall events have been increasingly common all across the nation, and this trend will likely intensify. In places like the Northeast and Midwest, where this effect is expected to be most pronounced, the effect on water quality will be profound. More intense storms will produce more erosion and stormwater runoff, resulting in more nonpoint source pollution. In addition, hotter and drier conditions in a number of other regions, but especially in the Southwest, will place greater strains upon stream flows, wreaking increasing damage to aquatic ecosystems as well as threatening the adequacy of water resources for human use.

Crafting a more effective federal-state partnership to combat both problems has proven impossible for over forty years. Many states and their allies in Congress have resisted such efforts, citing traditional state interests over land use and water allocations. The problems, however, are serious and will grow more severe as the climate changes.  Reform is becoming imperative.

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