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The Alabama Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Law Review publishes articles from prominent scholars on a wide range of fascinating and often-controversial Civil Rights and Civil Liberties issues. The Review publishes two issues a year and hosts symposia on an annual basis.

How to Apply to ACRCL

  1. Grade On.  ACRCL does not offer opportunities to students to qualify for membership through grade-on.
  2. Write-On Competition.  Every student (regardless of class rank) is encouraged to submit a case note to ACRCL to seek membership through the write-on competition process. Rising-2L and Transfer applicants will be subject to the Uniform Write-On application, while rising-3L applicants will write on a topic of their choosing. Rising-3L students who choose to write-on should write a short Student Note (12-15 pages, Double-Spaced, Times New Roman Font) cited appropriately according to the rules in the Blue Book. Student Notes may be on any topic selected by the student. Students who write-on must also complete the ACRCL Blue Book Exam.
  3. The ACRCL Blue Book Exam.  The Blue Book Exam for ACRCL is the same as that required by all other journals at the law school.