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Résumé Guidelines

Your résumé should be one page. Unless you have extensive work experience from before your arrival at law school, you do not need a second page. Your primary career counselor will be happy to work with you to help edit your résumé.

Margins should be the same, generally one inch.
Font should be conservative business font, such as New Times Roman, and 11 or 12 point font size. Different fonts can be used for emphasis or formatting, but generally no more than two fonts per résumé.

There is no absolute right or wrong format for your résumé, but ensure that it looks professional. We suggest you at least review the templates provided on this site.
Proofread your résumé several times before submitting it. Remember that your résumé is viewed as a writing sample. Never send a resume with errors. Your résumé will be reviewed by CSO staff, but you bear the ultimate responsibility for its accuracy. 

Do not use abbreviations unless they are universally understood.

Keep your résumé updated. Never submit an outdated résumé. You may want to have several different résumés for different employers.

While you will exclusively use an electronic résumé for CSO services, you may need to submit resumes outside of the CSO process. If you do so, use 8.5″ by 11″ white or light ivory bond paper. Your résumé, envelope, and cover letter should all be prepared on the same color and type of paper and in the same primary font.