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Reciprocity Policy

Career Services Office
(Updated July 2016)

The Career Services Office of The University of Alabama School of Law provides, to students and alumni of ABA approved law schools, reasonable access to career services facilities and resources. Such resources and facilities are available to the students and graduates of all law schools who reciprocate on behalf of the students and graduates of The University of Alabama School of Law. Requests must be made by a career services official and directed to Our office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., Monday through Friday. Services are provided and facilities are made available within the following guidelines:

  1. Requests for reciprocal services must be made in writing by a career services official. Walk-in requests and requests by students/alumni will not be honored.
  2. Requests should be from the law school the students/alumni are enrolled at/graduated from.
  3. Reciprocity is not available to graduates of other Alabama law schools.
  4. Requests must be received by The University of Alabama School of Law at least two week prior to furnishing services to referred students or alumni.
  5. Reciprocity is not available January through March and August through October.
  6. Reciprocity is available for three months from the date granted. Once that three month period has expired the reciprocity recipient cannot request reciprocity with us again until six months later.
  7. Symplicity job postings and CSO Resource Center access are available through reciprocity. On-campus interviews/video-conference interviews/ resume collects with prospective employers and counseling sessions with CSO staff are not permitted.
  8. Requests may be denied if person requesting services is already receiving reciprocity, or plans to ask for reciprocity, from any other ABA accredited law school in the state of Alabama.
  9. The Assistant Dean for Career Services may further regulate or terminate services to any school, students, and/or alumni surpassing a reasonable number of requests or for misuse of the facilities or services.
  10. The Assistant Dean for Career Services may amend or suspend this policy, or any parts thereof, when it is deemed reasonable or necessary to do so